Islamic conquest of india bloodiest in the history of world ~ Mjgyaan

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Islamic conquest of india bloodiest in the history of world

The world's largest massacre was committed by Islam in India

Back ground of  islam in india today : 

Today muslim percentage in india 2022 : 14.2

Muslim population in india 2022195,000,000

Due to Jihad, today India is only half the size of ancient India. The mountains near India are called Hindu Kush, which means "the funeral pyre of Hindus."

When was muslim rule started in india

1206–1526: The Delhi Sultanates Rule India

In 1206, a formerly enslaved Mamluk named Qutbubuddin Aibak conquered northern India and founded a kingdom. He named himself sultan of Delhi

Muslim rule in india from 712 to 1857

Muhammad bin Qasim (672 CE) at the age of 17 was the first Muslim general to invade the Indian subcontinent, managing to reach Sindh.
Hindu kush name origin

According to Ibn Battuta in 1333 AD, Hindukush meant 'killer'. This meant that people passing through here used to die due to severe cold or some natural calamity. People say that after the Arab-Turk occupation of the northern Indian subcontinent, Hindus were taken as slaves from this mountain and Hindus died here due to extreme cold while passing through this mountain. Due to all these different types of things, this mountain was first named Hindu Kushi and then Hindu Kush.

It is said that during the period of massacre that went on to make Afghanistan Hindu-less during the Mughal period, the invaders had made this mountainous the slaughterhouse of the Hindus. Here millions of slaves were brought here from other parts of India or they were sold in the slave markets of Arabia.

Indian historian K.S. Lal has given detailed information in his book 'The Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India (1000-1800)'.

This book gives a detailed assessment of the changes in Indian demography between 1000 CE and 1500 CE. Lal concluded that the population of the Indian subcontinent was about 200 million in 1000 CE and about 170 million in 1500. Lal estimates that approximately 60 to 80 million people died in India between 1000 and 1525 as a result of Islamic invasion of the Indian subcontinent [3]. He also observed that more than 2 million Hindus were killed during Mahmud of Ghazni's invasions of India alone.

Timur invaded india 

timur invaded india in 1398

Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and feared throughout Asia, Africa and Europe, large parts of which were ruined by his campaigns. Scholars estimate that his military campaigns resulted in the deaths of 17 million people, which was about 5% of the world's population at the time.

It is believed that when Timurlang was taking one lakh slaves from India to Samarkand, most of the people died of cold in a single night on the snowy peaks of 'Hindu-Koh' mountain. After this incident, the name of that mountain was named 'Hindu Kush' (killer of Hindus).

The Muslim conquest of India is perhaps the bloodiest story in history. Islamic historians and scholars with great joy and pride describe the massacres of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children in slave markets, and during 800 AD to 1700 AD The destruction of temples by the warriors of Islam is recorded. During this period lakhs of Hindus were converted to Islam by the sword."

Aurangzeb's Deccan campaign saw one of the largest death tolls in South Asian history, with an estimated 4.6 million people killed during his reign, Muslims and Hindus alike. at that time lakhs of Hindus  convert to islam in mughal empire

47,000 temples demolished

47,000 is the recorded no of ALL Hindu, Buddhist and Jain temples destroyed by Muslim invaders over the years, starting from 8th century

Tarikh-i firishta written by Firishta

The official estimate of Muslim slaughter of Hindus is 80 million. However, the Muslim historian Firishta (b. 1570) wrote (in Tarikh-i-Farishta or Gulshan-i-Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered more than 400 million Hindus by the height of Islamic rule of India, leaving a Hindu population of 600. fell below a million. Up to 200 million at that time.

80 million Hindus + adjusted 320 million = 400 million Hindus


According to reports from 1899, in a statement quoted by Indian religious leader Swami Vivekananda quoting Muslim historian Firishta, Muslims slaughtered more than 400 million Hindus during 800 years of Muslim rule, reducing the population at that time to 600 million. became 200 million. , Firishta composed tarikh-i firishta and Gulshan-e Ibrahim. If Muslims did indeed kill more than 400 million people in India, the worldwide Muslim genocide would exceed 890 million victims.

With these new additions, the Muslim genocide of non-Muslims would have resulted in more than 890 million killings since the birth of Mohammed.

If we compare with today's population, then almost 12% of the world's population were killed by Islam only.

The world's largest massacre was committed by Islam in India

Reference : 

[1] Persecution of Hinduism

[2] Perspectives in Indian History

[3] Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India - Wikipedia

[4] Hindu Genocide

[5] Timur Slaughtered, Enslaved 7.5 Lakh Hindus in ONE Day • Hindu Genocide

[6] The Biggest Holocaust in World History

[7] Mughal India ~ The Biggest Holocaust in World History | SikhNet


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